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Fundraisers' University

Get started in February 2025.

Your goals are always growing. Is your team?

In Fundraisers’ University, your team will find new ideas, simple systems and tactical tools they can use right away to get in more doors, have more powerful conversations and get to the ask faster.

Over 4 weeks, your team will watch short, memorable (unapologetically nerdy) videos to fortify the skills they need to succeed today.

Each week, you’ll join us live on Zoom for one hour. Your team will get their questions answered, dig deeper in discussions with one another and get the support they need for the challenges they're facing right now.

Live trainings are scheduled for every Wednesday morning in February from 10:30-11:30am CT:

- First Conversations: Wed., Feb. 5
- The Anatomy of a Great Conversation: Wed., Feb. 12
- Strategic Cultivation: Wed., Feb. 19
- Put It Into Practice: Wed., Feb. 26

The curriculum includes videos and one-hour live sessions to support your most critical challenges:


- Get more email replies.
- Make more and more effective cold calls.
- Turn the conversation to money.
- Have purposeful discovery calls that end with next steps.


- Ask great questions to uncover donors' interests.
- Connect donors' interests to your university.
- Keep your best donors giving.
- Attract more transformational gifts and illustrate impact.


- Keep the conversation going in-between visits.
- Learn a key component of the gift in every conversation.
- Improve your close rate.
- Cultivate strategically.


- Qualify 30 new major gift donors each year.
- Capture substantive conversations and gift strategies.
- Manage your time and energy.
- Celebrate!

If you can't make it to the live trainings, you'll have access to the recordings so you can catch up later.

Downloadable worksheets, frameworks and checklists make it easy for fundraisers to implement these new skills and revisit them again and again.