Why We Quit Our Jobs...
Oct 19, 2018
"We've loved it here, but we have to quit."
Last October, Nancy and I sat down in our boss's bright, huge corner office and quit our six-figure jobs in higher ed fundraising.
We cried.
We apologized.
We laughed nervously.
We cried more.
But we did it. We quit.
As the year anniversary of our last day of "work" and our first day of entrepreneurship approaches (November 1st! There WILL be wine!), I can't help but reflect.
Why did I quit?
People thought I was crazy.
I'd been there for 10 years.
I was leading the largest team.
I had a big, bright corner office.
I had insurance.
I had a pension. A pension! Money for life that keeps growing the longer you stay!?!
I liked my job. I loved my team. But...
I wanted to do more.
To help more people help more people.
To help fundraisers across the country raise more money.
To help nonprofits everywhere make more change.
One year later, it's happening.
Fundraisers Monthly members are getting more visits, having better conversations and raising more money!
Fund Development Institute and Fundraisers' University grads are more strategic and more confident in asking for money for their nonprofits.
Amazing nonprofits, community foundations and universities we're partnering with are truly making change - making this world better.
Nancy and I are blown away - almost every single day - by nonprofits and the humans who make them happen.
You are why we started Generous Change.
Now get out there. Raise money. Change the world.
Wishing you so much success,
Jenna & Nancy