Want a little UPLIFT?
Jun 17, 2019
Behold the remarkable (smart, driven, open-hearted) women of UPLIFT.
Thank you, ladies, for two days of candid conversation, thinking big about work and life, and powerful planning. We will never forget it!
One comment we treasure, from the fabulous Kim Schmelz:
I loved that the whole conference had dialogue...I didn’t drift off to my own space once!
Thanks, Kim!
Here’s what UPLIFT proved:
- You are hungry for dialogue – real conversations, often about tough stuff without easy answers.
- You learn as much from each other – regardless of position or “experience” – as from “experts,” so diverse groups matter.
- We are (much) better together – healthy teams, tribes, troupes achieve more and have a lot more fun.
It has never mattered more to find your voice and use it, bravely and authentically, in service of big visions. The ladies of UPLIFT made an amazing start and we can't wait to hear what every single one of them do next.
In this arena, here are a few bits of inspiration we've stumbled on:
Watching: Amazing Grace. Aretha Franklin, singing gospel in a Baptist church in Watts in 1972, backed by the Southern California Community Choir. I cried, laughed, practically jumped out of my seat to clap. See this movie to be inspired. Aretha’s talent and her spirit are irresistible. Talk about raising your voice!!
Reading: Americanah, by the brilliant Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This engrossing novel helped me see race, appearance, and identity differently. This is also the story of a young woman finding, confusing, and then lifting her truest voice.
Listening to: Steve Seleznow, President and CEO of the Arizona Foundation, who we interviewed for GENEROUS and will soon feature on LinkedIn. Reflecting on the Foundation’s work on behalf of immigrants (including working with predatory lenders to restructure debt so that immigrants could get out from under, providing grants only to schools that enroll immigrant children, and much, much more), Seleznow said one key opportunity for community foundations is to raise “collective courage to make demands on power.” Many voices speaking as one for humanity and justice? Yes, please!
Asking...Questions for YOU:
- When have you been proudest of raising your brave voice?
- When is it hardest to be your authentic self?
Let us know in the comments below? Your ideas are our inspiration and we value this conversation so much!
THANK YOU for joining us on this journey. We are grateful for all the generous change you make.
- nancy
p.s. We’ll announce the next UPLIFT dates soon. Stay tuned. You want to be there!!