You are a Badass
Apr 20, 2018
That's right! We said it.
You. Are. A. BADASS!
If you need a little reminder, refresher or reinforcement of how badass you really are, read Jen Sincero's books, You Are A Badass & You Are A Badass At Making Money.
We are still fan-girling over Jen's talk this week at super awesome Watermark Books in Wichita.
She was irreverent, honest, sarcastic and inspiring - all the things you'd hope for in an author who titles chapters: Love the One You Is, Your Brain is Your Bitch and Gratitude: The Gateway Drug to Awesomeness.
I keep a copy of Jen's 10 Secrets to Being a Badass in my office. Here are 3 of my favorites:
- Leap Large - Take risks. All the time. Big, hairy, scary ones. Thrilling and terrifying are opposite sides of the same coin - if you're serious about changing your life, you will be feeling them both. Often. They are excellent signs that you're on the right path. When you get an intuitive hit to do something scary, run straight towards it before the excuses start seeping in. Risk failure, looking stupid, losing money, getting rejected, being unpopular. Do whatever it takes to follow your heart. It's that crucial moment where you must decide between leaping into the void or staying put in your comfy mediocrity that defines your reality.
- Ask - Get clear on the specifics of what you desire and then ask. Ask your intuition for guidance. Ask for help, resources, ideas and support from your fellow humans. Ask The Universe to make it manifest. Repeatedly. Until it appears. Ask yourself to be big, bold and brave until you achieve it. Go from hoping to asking and ye shall receive.
- Enjoy the Ride - There are roughly 8 million opportunities for mind-blowery surrounding you at all times. Notice the sky, think about someone you love, stare at a flower ferfek's sake, savor the taste of a peach, listen to some awesome music, write a love note to your bed, thank your body for hauling you around every day, pet a puppy, hang out with people who make you wet your pants laughing, remember that you can change your reality on a dime simply by shifting your perspective...make the conscious choice to notice that which brings you joy and you will suddenly find yourself experiencing a whole lot more of it.
We're crushing on a few badasses this week:
Astro Teller, CEO of X, a "moonshot factory" with a mission to invent and launch technologies that could someday make the world a radically better place. In this podcast, Teller explores how to think 10 times bigger. He tells business leaders & managers to encourage their people to stop thinking small and go for the "moonshot" - to push them, then give them "the freedom to be weird."
Nonprofits, we hereby give you permission to be weird! You're already world-changers. How can you 10x your impact? What is your moonshot goal? How can you get there faster? Who can help?
Our students & members in Fund Development Institute, Fundraisers' University and Fundraisers' Monthly. You are blowing our minds with your hard work, dedication to your missions and thoughtful intention-setting. These past few weeks you've:
- written emails that actually get you visits
- reached out to more donors (perhaps 3 new and 3 follow up each day?!?!)
- revised your appeal letters to make the donor the hero
- thanked your donors more meaningfully & memorably
- inspired your boards to be champions
- spoke up to make your orgs stronger
Keep making Generous Change.
xo - Jenna & Nancy