Friday Inspirations, Episode 10 :)
Mar 23, 2018
Happy Friday, changemakers!
This week while working on branding (for ourselves and some of your orgs), we came across this quote:
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
This feels especially resonant for fundraisers. Several of you have told us that it can be tempting to become a chameleon in donor conversations. (We've done it; it feels creepy.) Resist the temptation! As Emerson knew, you connect and inspire best when you are ... you.
We're reading: Derek Black, an heir apparent in the white nationalist movement, until he attended New College of Florida. There, he was invited by fellow students to a Shabbat dinner, which he attended that first night and regularly for the next two years. "Outreach and discourse won't magically solve the problem of hate. But without those private conversations with people I cared about, I might not have seen the weaknesses in my arguments. And without the campus outrage, I might never have engaged in those conversations in the first place."
For all you university fundraisers, conversations like this are happening on your campuses every day. Remember your work helps make them possible!
Black provides another important reminder for all our orgs: "You can't throw facts at somebody and change their mind. It matters who's saying it and whether there's mutual respect."
We're watching: Black Panther. Wow. This is a gorgeous movie. Beautiful people, beautiful ideas, beautiful cinematography. In a troubled world, it was great to watch superheroes defend goodness and truth for a couple hours. Especially because these particular superheroes felt much more like real people.
Fundraisers: remember that you are superheroes! Without the money you raise, your missions will fail. Thanks to every one of you for the work you do every day to make this world a better place.
We're listening to: White Noise. The app. For those of you who travel (or live in a noisy neighborhood), this app is magical.
Finally, a big shout-out to the wonderful people in Fundraiser's University, Fund Development Institute (in our cover photo celebrating Mr. Rogers's 90th birthday!), and Fundraisers' Monthly. Your enthusiasm and kind words this week have really meant the world to us. (Cory, Doug, Alexis, Allan, Greg, Brittanee, Melissa, Shelly, we're talking to you!)
Wishing you a terrific weekend that takes you back to work next week full of energy and determination!
- Nancy